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Treasurehunter3D DroneRover Metal Detector for Drones

Metal Detector For Drones


Make Your Treasure Hunting Easier!

DroneRover is a 3D detector sensor that can be attached to any drone. It enables a user to survey areas by flying over them with a drone, besides that DroneRover is also able to do it completely by itself using autopilot. During the process of scanning, the user can analyze and observe results in real-time displayed on the smartphone or tablet.


Our light, portable, and camouflaged detectors

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A Metal Detector that can be

attached to a Drone

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Active error correction system enables DroneRover to discover precious metals like GOLD, SILVER and ancient BRONZE objects as well as chests, boxes, hidden rooms, graves and tunnels


Cover Large Areas

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Easy To Use

Mark The Area On The Map


Classic VLF metal detector with AR object visualization

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Gold Hunting

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Mark The Area On The Map

Easy To Use

Treasurehunter3D Archeologist Looking at Map

Press GO Button

Auto Scan

Press GO Button

Auto Scan

Drone will scan area for you,  while you can relax and observe results on the screen.

TreasureHunter3D Archeologist thomas a Gara

Thomas a Gara


member of 

TreasureHunter3D EEA

With TreasureHunter3D devices archeologists can easily determine if the excavation site has good possibilities and where may they lay! Similar product on the market are usually very expensive, bulky and don't provide so high resolution & scan sensitivity

TreasureHunter3D WAC
Treasurehunter3D SAA
TreasureHunter3D Whaka Honeheke

Whaka Honeheke

Treasure hunter & Author of a book

TreasureHunter3D detectors have made treasure hunting much easier. They are very light and portable, easy to use since they connect to your smartphone, and comes at an affordable price.

Treasure Hunting in the Philippines

Treasurehunter3D Review Alan Shirley

Alan Shirley

San Francisco, California

I bought this detector and I am happy it's serving the purpose, now I feel like I own the whole American underground Treasures at my own exploit...

Small investment for big opportunity

Happy Customers

What they're saying

Treasurehunter3D DroneRover Unit a Metal Detector for Drones
TreasureHunter3D DroneRover works with any Drone

Works with any Drone*

TreasureHunter3D DroneRover Discover

Discover Metallic/Non Metallic Objects

TreasureHunter3D Detection Depth DroneRover

Detection depth: 30m / 100ft

TreasureHunter3D DroneRover Auto Pilot Mode

Auto Pilot Mode

Treasurehunter3D DroneRover Export Data to PC

Export data to PC 

TreasureHunter3D DroneRover RealTime 3D View Mode

Real Time 3D View Mode

Treasurehunter3D DroneRover Free Application

Free Application + Lifetime Upgrades

TreasureHunter3D DroneRover Battery

Up to 45 min Flight Time

Main Features

Auto ScanMode

Active error correction system enables DroneRover to discover precious metals like GOLD, SILVER and ancient BRONZE objects as well as chests, boxes, hidden rooms, graves and tunnels

What Metal Detector Is Right For Me?
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  • This is your Product section paragraph. It’s an ideal place to showcase the types of products available, and underline any important or unique features.

  • This is your Product section paragraph. It’s an ideal place to showcase the types of products available, and underline any important or unique features.


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Happy Customers

What they're saying

Thomas a Gara


member of 

With TreasureHunter3D devices archeologists can easily determine if the excavation site has good possibilities and where may they lay! Similar product on the market are usually very expensive, bulky and don't provide so high resolution & scan sensitivity

Thomas a Gara


member of 

With TreasureHunter3D devices archeologists can easily determine if the excavation site has good possibilities and where may they lay! Similar product on the market are usually very expensive, bulky and don't provide so high resolution & scan sensitivity

Treasurehunter3D Archeologist Thomas a Gara
Treasurehunter3D SAA
Treasurehunter EAA
Treasurehunter3D WAC


Any drone*

Phantom 3, 4 

App Interface

iPhone, Android**

RC controller app**

iPhone, Android**

Mavic 3E

Fast Scan




Manual 2D/3D scan




Autoscan 2D/3D mode




Detection Depth

30 m / 100ft

30 m / 100ft

30 m / 100ft

Flight Time


30 min

45 min

Max. Scan Area


1 km²

2 km²

Scan Grid Resolution


0.5 m - 5 m

0.5 m - 5 m

Data Export




Happy Customers

What they're saying

TreasureHunter3D Archeologist Thomas a Gara

Thomas a Gara


member of 

Treasurehunter3D EAA

With TreasureHunter3D devices archeologists can easily determine if the excavation site has good possibilities and where may they lay! Similar product on the market are usually very expensive, bulky and don't provide so high resolution & scan sensitivity

TreasureHunter3D WAC
TreasureHunter3D SAA

Thomas a Gara


member of 

With TreasureHunter3D devices archeologists can easily determine if the excavation site has good possibilities and where may they lay! Similar product on the market are usually very expensive, bulky and don't provide so high resolution & scan sensitivity

TreasureHunter3D Whaka Honeheke Review

Whaka Honeheke

Treasure hunter & Author of a book

TreasureHunter3D detectors have made treasure hunting much easier. They are very light and portable, easy to use since they connect to your smartphone, and comes at an affordable price.

Treasure Hunting in the Philippines

Whaka Honeheke

Treasure hunter & Author of a book

Treasure Hunting in the Philippines

TreasureHunter3D detectors have made treasure hunting much easier. They are very light and portable, easy to use since they connect to your smartphone, and comes at an affordable price.